
“This article focuses on two mayoral-led public-private partnerships designed to renew good government in Cleveland — Mayor George Voinovich’s Operations Improvement Task Force (OITF) (1979-1982) and Mayor Frank Jackson’s Operations Efficiency Task Force (OETF) (2006-2009). The Voinovich OITF public-private partnership enabled Cleveland to ‘come back’

“In Western Massachusetts, in the state’s most rural county, a coalition of town and regional governments, social service agencies, local governments, schools, law enforcement, and the business and faith communities have been working together for more than a decade on some of society’s most challenging

“In this research product, financing techniques and partnerships for rural and small urban area transportation projects are presented. With traditional transportation revenue sources lagging and maintenance demanding more attention, non-urban areas have less funding for new projects. This research examined alternative financing options, experience with

“The economic and social challenges that affect the geographically large and diverse Appalachia region are too complex for an individual organization to address comprehensively,” argues Emily Mitchell writing for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. “Many communities need large-scale growth or transition to other industries

“This paper focuses on understanding the collaborative process as a critical aspect of building community capacity to respond to change and uncertainty in the landscape. Can focusing on place-based relationship building enhance a community’s ability to make difficult land use decisions? Collaborative initiatives to preserve

“This toolkit provides rural communities with the information, resources, and materials they need to develop a community health program in a rural community. Each of the toolkit's six modules contains information that communities can apply to develop a rural health program, regardless of the specific

“This framing paper defines effective governance, explains why governance is suddenly in the spotlight, details and illustrates eight key principles of effective rural governance, and poses questions that ground the Rural Governance Initiative. … Effective governance incorporates a variety of decision-making and implementation practices by