
“The term data collaborative refers to a new form of collaboration, beyond the public-private partnership model, in which participants from different sectors — including private companies, research institutions, and government agencies —  can exchange data to help solve public problems. In the coming months and

“This important report presents a new perspective on the challenges now faced by government to more effectively, efficiently, and creatively partner with the private sector to develop and implement new models of contracting. Professor Williams, an associate professor of civil engineering at Rutgers University, uses

“This report analyzes the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) work with the private sector in implementing FEMA's goals via public-private partnerships. … FEMA’s experience with the safe construction networks does suggest that national goals can be pursued through indirect means but that there may be

“This report includes two essays reflecting different perspectives on preparing for and working in large-scale emergencies. The first essay, ‘Keys to Effectively Partner in Temporary Networks," by Ross O’Brien, examines the roles of non-governmental organizations in large-scale emergencies. He observed a series of characteristics that

“This report examines federal agencies that have contracted out large scale programs and evaluates their effectiveness. Privatization or outsourcing of services formerly provided in-house have become strategies used by an increasing number of local and state governments nationwide to lower service delivery costs and/or improve

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher This report looks at collective impact as a framework for improving “outcomes for opportunity youth — the nearly 7 million Americans between 16 and 24 who are neither employed nor in school. Top Takeaways Opportunity youth face a range of challenges: