
“Pay for success (PFS) is designed to alter the way governments contract for services by encouraging those governments to pay for outcomes rather than pay for activities. This shift may also affect how governments define the services they need, select providers, and establish the business

“The U.S. faces a growing need to build and maintain critical infrastructure — everything from airports to wastewater treatment plants — but with limited government funding to do the job. Encouraging private sector investment in infrastructure is part of the solution. But one promising tool

“One of the fastest-growing corporate citizenship programs is skills-based volunteering — in which a team of corporate employees works for an extended period of time to help a nonprofit solve a complex operational problem,” write Christine Letts and Danielle Holly in SSIR. “Given the fact

“The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) estimates that the United States needs $4.56 trillion to keep its deteriorating infrastructure current but only has funding to cover less than half of necessary infrastructure spending — leaving the at least country $2.0 trillion short through the

“Communicating about government-business-nonprofit collaboration is challenging. Yet practitioners must continually communicate the nature and value of their work to funders, potential partners, internal organizational stakeholders (senior managers or governing boards), and external organizational stakeholders (customers, voters, or donors). Because communicating the work is critical and