
Resource Library

Whether you’re working on a local collective impact initiative or a national public-private partnership; whether you’re a practitioner or a researcher; whether you’re looking for basics or a detailed look at a particular topic, our Resource Library can help you find the information and tools you need for your cross-sector thinking and practice. The Library — which includes resources from research organizations, advisory groups, training organizations, academic centers and journals, and other sources — spans issue areas, sectors, and partnership types.

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✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Public-private partnerships (PPP) for infrastructure development and management have received significant attention in academic, institutional, and political circles over roughly the last two decades. This attention was prompted, to a great extent, by early experiments with PPP-type arrangements…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “The construction and provision of infrastructure services such as transport nowadays is often based on a partnership between three main actors: public sector, private sector, and multilateral lenders, under a framework of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). This type of partnership has…

This report from the Boston Consulting Group describes the top priorities of the public and private sectors in solving global infrastructure challenges.“The next 20 years present a global challenge: to put in place the infrastructure improvements required to support sustainable long-term economic growth. Governments, which…

“This Article describes the map of statutory administrative law through those cross-cutting statutes that apply generally to all federal agencies. It argues that each major statute represents a balance among five fundamental values in the relationship between the government and the governed, a balance struck…

Especially see “Sharing Responsibility for Cybersecurity” on pp. 17-23. “The public and private sectors’ interests are intertwined with a shared responsibility for ensuring a secure, reliable infrastructure upon which businesses and government services depend. Government and industry leaders both nationally and internationally need to delineate…

“Currently, the highway transportation sector faces a fiscal challenge due to the gap between available funding and the costs of providing and maintaining the infrastructure. High costs have resulted from several causes such as deterioration and obsolescence related to the advanced age of much of…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “[The Transportation Research Board’s] National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 391: Public Sector Decision Making for Public–Private Partnerships examines information designed to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with allowing the private sector to have a greater…

“The CDC and the U.S. Department of Justice convened a Workgroup on Public Health and Law Enforcement Emergency Preparedness. “Between June 2007 and February 2008, the Workgroup members met to identify opportunities for improving cross-sectoral and cross-jurisdictional collaboration and to craft two other tools: a…

✴︎Available only with purchase from publisher “Results are reported from an empirical study of an interorganizational collaboration to prepare underrepresented students for elite postsecondary education and beyond. The LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) Program in Business is an initiative involving twelve U.S. universities, nearly forty…