
“The Future of Manufacturing report (April 2012) identified a number of factors that will shape the future of competition between countries and companies. Three areas rose to the top as the most critical: human capital and talent development; innovation and technology advancement; and strategic use

“The World Economic Forum is pleased to issue this report, which examines how core industry capabilities can be applied to three of the most pressing development challenges of our time: hunger, malaria, and basic education. … A recurrent theme in the Forum’s growing body of

“On September 30, 2014, the Roundtable on Obesity Solutions held a one-day workshop titled ‘Cross-Sector Responses to Obesity: Models for Change.’ The workshop was designed to explore models of cross-sector work that may reduce the prevalence and consequences of obesity, discuss lessons learned from case

“When two organizations bond across sectoral lines, how do you keep the fire going?” ask the authors of this SSIR piece. They present lessons about what it takes to sustain a collaborative, cross-sector effort, and expand its impact over time. “There is a lot of

This detailed blog post from the Center for American Progress describes the differences between traditional procurement, public-private partnerships, and private finance. “Public-private partnerships are a useful alternative form of procurement, allowing project sponsors to balance multiple goals against various delivery methods. They are not, however,

“Society’s biggest challenges are also its most complex. From shared economic growth to personalized medicine to global climate change, few of our most pressing problems are likely to have simple solutions. Perhaps the only way to make progress on these and other challenges is by