
“Even though U.S. congressional and multilateral efforts aimed at enhancing cybersecurity have thus far largely failed in their aims, courts and regulators are using existing common law doctrines and statutory enactments to hold companies accountable for cyber attacks. However, such judicial and regulatory actions have

“This paper discusses cross-sector infrastructure interdependencies and key risk considerations, analysis approaches, research and development needs, and the range of interdisciplinary skills required for comprehensive cross-sector analysis. Traditional analysis of interdependencies involves characterization of infrastructure-to-infrastructure linkages to identify the key infrastructure components that, if lost

“Eichensehr explores the line between public and private cybersecurity functions and provides a descriptive account of the public-private cybersecurity system. Her article first highlights the relative roles of the U.S. government and private sector in four important contexts related to international cybersecurity threats: disrupting networks

“Cassville, Pennsylvania had no local food options after a gas station market burned down in 2007. The closest grocery store was 15 miles away. In 2009, Betsy and Mark Whitsel built the 3,200 square-foot Cassville Country Store. Using a grant from the Pennsylvania Fresh Food

“This paper maps the spectrum of activities that, taken together, endeavor to create well nourished, food secure communities. Until recently, many of these activities have taken place in relative isolation of one another; and funders have tended to line up their support more narrowly behind

This report, which is designed for use by community-based nonprofit organizations and business groups, local government officials, private citizens, and community planners, "provides a toolkit of standardized measurement tools for assessing various aspects of community food security. It includes a general guide to community assessment