
“Collaboration Assessment Tool helps individuals and coalitions identify specific strengths and areas of growth and enables partnerships to subsequently establish a baseline and gauge their progress via periodic checks on domains of effective collaboration.”

“‘Turf-ism’ can be defined as non-cooperation or conflict between organizations with seemingly common goals or interests. Whether over resources, recognition, or control, turf struggles can threaten coalition vitality. Traditionally, coalition leaders’ response to turf struggles has been to ask coalition membership to ‘leave their hats

“Addressing issues such as health promotion and chronic disease prevention requires the inclusion of people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Work in partnerships, collaborations and coalitions can be challenging but a powerful tool for mobilizing individuals to action, bringing community issues to prominence and developing

“Despite collaborative governance's popularity, whether collaboration improves policy performance remains uncertain. This study assesses the link between collaborative decision making and licensed environmental management protocols in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC's) process for licensing hydropower facilities in the United States. Using results from a

✴︎ Available with free registration “The call for greater collaboration has been a persistent drumbeat in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors in recent years. … Grantmakers and nonprofits that want to be more collaborative need to ensure that their organizations offer an enabling environment for doing so

“Philanthropies and social investors are recognizing that ‘place matters,’ and see the potential of place-based strategies for catalyzing system changes. Local communities offer a scale at which cross-sector, systemic challenges can be addressed, and provide opportunities to affect significant numbers of students.” This series of

“Grantmakers rightly see themselves as critical partners — more than just funders — of programs to bring fields and communities together to tackle complex issues and bring about lasting change. … But because of their position and the power dynamics inherent in the relationship between