
Resource Library

Whether you’re working on a local collective impact initiative or a national public-private partnership; whether you’re a practitioner or a researcher; whether you’re looking for basics or a detailed look at a particular topic, our Resource Library can help you find the information and tools you need for your cross-sector thinking and practice. The Library — which includes resources from research organizations, advisory groups, training organizations, academic centers and journals, and other sources — spans issue areas, sectors, and partnership types.

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To help users find relevant, quality resources from our Resource Library, we create curated lists on a variety of topics, bringing important practitioner- and academic-oriented work to the forefront.

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “As civil infrastructure projects have grown in scale and scope, their cost has increased accordingly. As a result, we have entered what has been termed the era of the infrastructure megaproject; those that typically cost more than US$1…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Investment in infrastructure is critical to economic growth, quality of life, poverty reduction, access to education, healthcare, and achieving many of the goals of a robust economy. But infrastructure is difficult for the public sector to get right….

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “What is the most effective framework for analyzing complex accountability challenges within governing networks? Recognizing the multiscale and intersector (public, private, and non-profit) characteristics of these networks, an accountability model is advanced organized around democratic (elected representatives, citizens,…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This article addresses the increasing formalization of cross-sector collaboration between universities and industry seen in the development of public funding schemes such as collaborative research centers (CRCs). This policy trend is analyzed in the article and investigated empirically,…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This paper carries out a micro-level analysis of collective goods provision by focusing on the formation of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). The paper’s theoretical and empirical analysis is unusually complete in that it considers the entire process of…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This case study illustrates how collaborative governance through consensus building can work well to achieve law reform, with shared responsibilities among elected officials, private and professional stakeholders, and ordinary citizens. The author discusses the participants involved and the…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are contractual relationships between government and industry to deliver facilities or service for public benefit. In the United States, existing transportation infrastructure is aging and new infrastructure is underfunded. PPPs are considered one way to…

“This paper reports on the opportunities and challenges of creating partnerships between foundations and government agencies in promoting housing as a platform. Through discussions with philanthropists, the authors examine evidence for ‘housing as a platform’ and assess the challenges that impede public-private partnerships. They find…