
Resource Library

Whether you’re working on a local collective impact initiative or a national public-private partnership; whether you’re a practitioner or a researcher; whether you’re looking for basics or a detailed look at a particular topic, our Resource Library can help you find the information and tools you need for your cross-sector thinking and practice. The Library — which includes resources from research organizations, advisory groups, training organizations, academic centers and journals, and other sources — spans issue areas, sectors, and partnership types.

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“Partnerships are an important mechanism for building and sustaining capacity among Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) programs. Partnerships bring together a diversity of skills and resources for more effective outcomes. By making the best use of different but complementary resources, partnerships can increase program efficiency….

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Collaborative research between universities and pharmaceutical companies is a form of public – private sector partnership that raises important issues of governance and research integrity. The article analyses this from a stakeholder perspective with particular reference to clinical trial collaborations….

This report, which is designed for use by community-based nonprofit organizations and business groups, local government officials, private citizens, and community planners, “provides a toolkit of standardized measurement tools for assessing various aspects of community food security. It includes a general guide to community assessment…

“Addressing issues such as health promotion and chronic disease prevention requires the inclusion of people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Work in partnerships, collaborations and coalitions can be challenging but a powerful tool for mobilizing individuals to action, bringing community issues to prominence and developing…

“To help promote the development and sustainability of Community Health Partnerships that include leadership from both business and business led health coalitions and public health officials, we are making this [resource] available to help at all stages of the evolution of the collaboration. We want…