
Resource Library

Whether you’re working on a local collective impact initiative or a national public-private partnership; whether you’re a practitioner or a researcher; whether you’re looking for basics or a detailed look at a particular topic, our Resource Library can help you find the information and tools you need for your cross-sector thinking and practice. The Library — which includes resources from research organizations, advisory groups, training organizations, academic centers and journals, and other sources — spans issue areas, sectors, and partnership types.

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“Private capital has become a significant feature of infrastructure public-private partnerships (PPPs) on the premise that it incentivizes diligent risk management among private partners. This paper evaluates this claim by examining the PPP programme in Ontario, Canada, where the amount of long-term private capital in…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Governments and global corporations increasingly both confront and rely on international non‐governmental organizations (INGOs) to identify, design, and deliver interventions that prompt transformational change in societies, industries, and supply chains. For INGOs, transformational change is defined as a…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “The intensification of cross-sector collaboration phenomena has occurred in multiple fields of action. Organizations in the private, public, and social sectors are working together to tackle society’s most wicked problems. Some success has resulted in a generalized belief…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Nowadays, a significant portion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication takes place online. The current article attends to an essential, yet often overlooked element of online CSR communication: cross-sectoral hyperlink networks. The article argues that corporations build cross-sectoral…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Collaboration between the UK’s voluntary organisations and public agencies is often viewed through the lens of the changing welfare state. In this paper we contrast cross-sector collaboration in children’s services — as an example of the ‘welfare state’…

✴︎ Available with free registration “The concept of public-private partnership (PPP) in higher education is clarified in the article as a mechanism for the formation of the human capital added value. PPP is considered as a set of organizational forms of long-term economic relations between state…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This paper does not stake out a clear position for or against public-private cooperation for cybersecurity. … Rather, it pursues a more modest, but — in our view — nonetheless essential aim, namely to clarify our understanding and…

“The convergence of shifting CSR trends, untapped NGO value, and pressing development challenges holds tremendous potential for driving social impact and business innovation. … The public sector and civil society are increasingly looking to the private sector to play a larger role. This is particularly…