Feb 22 2016 Help us create a comprehensive data set on foundation giving to cross-sector collaboration
As you know, The Intersector Project works to provide free, publicly available resources to practitioners from the business, government, and non-profit sectors to promote stronger and more effective cross-sector collaborations.
We have recently undertaken a research project on foundations’ roles in promoting cross-sector collaboration. Our process has entailed a series of interviews with individuals in leadership positions at major foundations that award grants fueling cross-sector collaboration, as well as researchers and experts who are actively engaged in studying philanthropy and the advancement of philanthropic support of cross-sector collaborations in the United States.
We are now creating a comprehensive data set of grants awarded to support cross-sector collaboration throughout the United States over the past 10 years. If you are familiar with any data sets comprising information on foundations’ giving toward cross-sector collaboration in the United States, we would value your help in identifying those data sets.
If you would like to direct our attention toward a data set on foundations and cross-sector collaboration, please email our Research Analyst Juliet Tarantino at research@intersector.com.
Many thanks,
The Intersector Project Team