
Resource Library

Whether you’re working on a local collective impact initiative or a national public-private partnership; whether you’re a practitioner or a researcher; whether you’re looking for basics or a detailed look at a particular topic, our Resource Library can help you find the information and tools you need for your cross-sector thinking and practice. The Library — which includes resources from research organizations, advisory groups, training organizations, academic centers and journals, and other sources — spans issue areas, sectors, and partnership types.

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✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “Collaborative partnerships can be an effective strategy for crime prevention, especially in disorganized communities. Using ordinary least squares regression with 414 American cities, this article finds that police departments with many collaborative partnerships are able to promote informal…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This article analyzes the most important issues, concepts, and ideas in collaborative public management research and practice today. The issues, concepts, and ideas are (a) competing definitions of collaboration; (b) changes in the environment of public management that…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This article provides an overview of the key research findings and core concepts on the topic of organizational networks. The primary focus is on goal-directed ‘whole’ service delivery networks, which are prevalent in the public and non-profit sectors….

“This issue of The Innovation Journal endeavors to investigate when and how multi-actor collaboration can enhance public innovation. In this brief introduction we shall first look at the main differences between private and public innovation and the mounting interest in public innovation before presenting the…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This article applies political economy theory to public-private partnerships (PPPs). First, we propose that social welfare is the appropriate normative evaluation criterion to evaluate the social value of PPPs. Second, we specify the goals of PPP participants, including…

“Public-private partnerships are a major issue of discussion in businesses and government agencies concerned with homeland security. However, this issue has received a much less thorough treatment in scholarly literature on homeland security. This article begins to fill a gap in homeland security scholarship by…

✴︎Available only with purchase from publisher “This case explores public-private partnerships in Omaha, Nebraska, where substantial private donations were received for the construction of two city-owned facilities: a convention center/arena and a baseball stadium. The donors required creation of a new public authority to undertake…

“As a companion piece to the report ‘Catalyzing Transformational Partnerships between the United Nations and Business,’ this guide serves as a step-by-step roadmap for maximizing the transformative potential of your partnership. As transformational partnerships cannot exist without a strong foundation in place from the outset,…

“This Best Practices Guide is intended to assist commercial and government entities in the process of organizing and executing a collaborative solar purchase. … The guide outlines a list of best practices, which together constitute a 12-step process to capture the economic and practical benefits…

✴︎ Available only with purchase from publisher “This empirically based study compares the extensiveness and perceived quality of public and private emergency management-related collaborations at the grassroots level, based on a statewide survey of Florida county and city officials. The extensiveness of local officials’ involvement…