“These tools were originally developed by WWF-UK’s Organisation Development Unit in 2001. … Since the toolbox was originally produced it has been used extensively with partner organisations. The tools have been used both in the UK and internationally — for example with civil society organisations in West Africa, business networks, the education sector in the UK, and local government organisations. We have found these tools useful over the years and are pleased to now be able to publish them to share our learning with a wider audience.
The tools in this toolbox can be used at any stage in a partnership. They do not set out a linear,
prescriptive route. We have used them in a logical sequence when embarking on a new relationship but
equally have picked out individual tools to apply retrospectively to existing relationships. We believe that
where all the organisations involved invest together in the initial development, the periodic review, and
the maintenance of the partnership, this will result in a more effective collaboration for the longer term
and lead to greater impact.
The tools are practical, each with a clearly defined purpose, description and process. A series of
questions act as a prompt for some of the issues that each individual tool can help to tackle.”