Detroit Public Schools (DPS) face a number of challenges, including budget cuts, school closures, and the expansion of public charter schools, which coupled with the district’s multi-million dollar budget deficit, mean that students in the system suffer – they rank lowest in standardized testing in the nation’s urban districts. Brooke Franklin from the Detroit Regional Chamber (DRC) was hired as Director of K12 Strategic Partnerships for the DRC’s Education Engagement Project. She recognized the opportunity for K12 educators and business leaders to form partnerships that would increase resources for DPS. Supported by a grant from the Skillman Foundation, Brooke spearheaded a DRC advisory council to develop infrastructure that would link district schools with the business community – resulting in Businesses/Organizations Optimizing Learning in Detroit (BOLD). In 2010, DPS incorporated BOLD’s efforts, and in 2011 the DPS Volunteer Business Corps was launched, integrating business expertise and volunteer activism and bringing it to the classroom. The program creates partnerships that strengthen education in the district by aligning academic skills with workforce needs. The partnerships provide resources that include tutoring, mentor programs, extracurricular or career training, and school infrastructure beautification. The program has since surpassed its goal of at least one partnership with each of the district’s 141 public schools, and its collaborative efforts continue to offer educational opportunities in Detroit Public Schools.