Section I: How are journalists covering cross-sector collaboration?

Section II: What challenges do journalists face in covering cross-sector collaboration?

Section III: Questions journalists should consider when covering cross-sector collaboration

Section III: Questions Journalists Should Consider When Covering Cross-sector Collaboration


Our conversations with more than 30 journalists and supporters of journalism about the difficulties of covering cross-sector collaboration suggest there is a need for guidance on the topic.

These conversations inspired us to generate questions for journalists to consider when pursuing stories related to cross-sector collaboration — questions that can help journalists produce high-quality stories that provide the public with information they need to know, related to the risks and rewards of the collaboration for each partner; the authority and influence of each partner; whether or not the initiative is really needed; the public sector’s contributions; and more. These questions are adapted for journalists from our resource Questions to Understand a Cross-sector Collaboration.


  • What offices, agencies, organizations, and companies are partnering in this collaboration?


  • Have the partners worked together previously? If so, were those relationships successful (e.g., were they characterized by trust and goodwill, and did they produce desired outcomes)?


  • Have any of the partners participated in previous cross-sector collaborations? If so, were those efforts successful or not?


  • Have any critical partners been left out? If so, who are they, why were they left out, and what are the potential downsides of their not being included?


  • Has the public been consulted on this partnership’s work in a meaningful way? If so, how (e.g., through public meetings or hearings, formal surveys, public comment periods, ballot measures)? If not, are partners considering a public consultation process of some kind?


  • What signs of public support or opposition are observable, if any? What is the reason for this public support or opposition?